Monday 27 March 2017

Weekly Round Up 27th March

Monday again, and this will probably be a short update. The sun is shining in my part of Lancashire, but it’s still cool.

On the writing front, slow progress was made on my WIP with around 4000 words added to Half Full and a few ideas sketched out – as much planning as I do. I also wrote up the blog post for the introduction of While You See a Chance for Manifold Press on 1st of April. I’ve planned up to five posts for the release blitz/tour of this and my other book, My Highland Cowboy, out with Pride Publishing on 6th June. Ideas have popped into my head for my possible Christmas story, which I suppose I will need to get on with some time soon.

For some reason, I haven’t managed much reading this week. I read Shameless by R. G. Alexander. The Finn series is a bit of a guilty pleasure, though I’ve not read them all. I also devoured Play Dead by Avery Cockburn, who kindly sent out an ARC of this story. More Colin and Drew this time and an angsty tale that I loved. I can’t recommend this series enough if you like Scotland and football, as I do, combined with a bit of politics and religion.

This week’s box set, after finishing Supernatural S2, is the original UK version of House of Cards which stands the test of time and is interesting because of how it saw the future of the monarchy as well as politics. Supernatural S3 will be next. On Saturday, I watched the whole of S3 of Frankie and Grace which I enjoy more for the women than the men. I love Lily Tomlin, and have even warmed to Jane Fonda, but, although I’ve been in love with Martin Sheen since The West Wing, I can’t quite get my head around his character, or that of Sam Waterston, and they seem awkward together. Still watching Black Sails and worrying what will happen to Flint. All the pieces pre-Treasure Island are starting to fit into place.

This week, I need to get some more writing done to see if I can get WIP over 70K words, and make a start on the blog posts, although I’ve found a new family tree to do so that always distracts me, and I’ve been updating my own. I ended up having an interesting set of messages with someone in Australia about how people in the past change their names and basically lie about who they are and where they are from, but I’ve a blog post to write about that maybe.

Oh well, that short update became a bit longer than I expected.

Have a good week everyone.

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