Saturday 28 May 2016

Rainbow Snippet 28th/29th May

Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook Group that invites authors to post six sentences of their work each weekend. It can be from anything you like, your current WIP, a recent release, the golden oldie that even you had forgotten you had written, or just a scrap of an idea (as long as it has six coherent sentences). Nothing of your own work worth mentioning? How about a six sentence review of your favourite LGBTQ+ story.
Today’s snippet comes once more from Choosing Home which is available for preorder next Tuesday 31st May here. The blurb is below. I’m also having an author chat tomorrow at 2pmEST/6pmGMT. You can find more information in the previous blog post. I hope you’ll pop in. I’ll be talking about my new series and anything else that arises. In this snippet things have moved on between Zac and Seth. Oh and there’s Ron again.


Zac took the mugs out of the microwave and brought them over. He sat on the sofa then leaned over and petted Ron, who immediately rubbed against his legs, covering his trousers in ginger fur. Ron rolled onto his back.

“You are a complete tart, cat, and if you think I’m falling for rubbing your tummy so you can dig your claws into my hand, you’ve another think coming.” He picked up the cocoa and blew on it before taking a sip.

“So, these exercises.” Zac raised his eyebrows and Seth noted the mischievous look in his eyes.


Friday 27 May 2016

Author Chat 29th May 2pmEST/7pmBST with Bike Book Reviews

Hi everyone. I'm chatting to Rebecca from Bike Book Reviews on Facebook here on Sunday 29th May about my writing, and especially my new series. There will be a giveaway or two, so I hope you consider popping in sometime during the hour.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Blog Hop for Visibility, Awareness and Equality


17th May is the International Day against homophobia, bi- and transphobia. You can find more information here.


This hop is about visibility, awareness and equality. I joined late, having missed the announcement, so I wasn’t sure what to write about but then I remembered this post by Sue Brown about heroes and the dangers of putting them on pedestals. This had made me think about my heroes.

When I was young my heroes were mostly footballers – not much visibility there, but hopefully more awareness than when I was a teenager. Another lifelong love is Katherine Hepburn, still my favourite actor. A strong woman who worked in an industry at a time when appearance was often considered more important than talent. Now, I’d say two of my biggest heroes are John Barrowman and Misha Collins.

Here are my two favourites together. I hope they won’t mind me using this image which sums up both men for me. I can honestly say I don’t put them on pedestals and I don’t think either would feel comfortable there. JB is all about visibility and awareness. He doesn’t hide his sexuality, as anyone who follows him on the media knows. In fact many would accuse him of oversharing considering his last Facebook video gave us all an extra bonus in the shape of his husband, Scott. With JB you love him or you don’t. He is great with his fans and supports lots of charities including a shelter for LGBT youth near his Californian home. His work ethic is second to none as he travels around the world. He is quite simply an entertainer who personifies out and proud.

My other hero, Misha Collins is perhaps less well known in Britain. He plays the angel Castiel in Supernatural. I didn’t start watching that show until it had already got to season seven. I binged the early seasons and fell in love with Castiel the moment he strode onto the set. Since then, I’ve also come to love the man behind the role he plays. He too works tirelessly for charity, creating both Random Acts of Kindness and GISHWHES – the greatest scavenger hunt the world has ever seen. He’s also been visible in his support of LGBT rights and commented on how Supernatural has dealt with LGBT characters. This, I am pleased to say is improving.

Whether they are perfect or flawed, we all need our heroes. We need people who will take a stand. John Barrowman and Misha Collins are two of mine. Who are your heroes?
Anyone who makes a comment on this post before 24th May will be entered to win a signed copy of either Sporting Chance, Comfort Zone or Choosing Home (out in July) Please leave your e-mail address for me to contact you.

Thank you for supporting this important cause. This link will take you to other participating blogs.


Saturday 14 May 2016

Rainbow Snippet 14th/15th May

Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook Group that invites authors to post six sentences of their work each weekend. It can be from anything you like, your current WIP, a recent release, the golden oldie that even you had forgotten you had written, or just a scrap of an idea (as long as it has six coherent sentences). Nothing of your own work worth mentioning? How about a six sentence review of your favourite LGBTQ+ story.


This week’s snippet comes from Returning Home the second in the Call of Home series set in Scotland. In this story the MCs are Darach McNaughton and Brice Drummond. This snippet is from their first meeting. We also meet Princess as well. Returning Home is on general release 26th July.

“I’m fine. Thank you for bringing Princess. She does have a habit of roaming and picking up strangers.”

Darach held out his hand. “I’m Darach McNaughton.” The cat’s owner didn’t take his hand or give his name. Darach shifted uneasily and pushed his hand back into his pocket.

“She’s a beautiful cat and huge as well,” he said, knowing he should have been gone by now, but somehow not wanting to leave.

“She’s a Norwegian Forest cat. They grow big and are perfectly at home in the snow. I need to go back in now. You’re right, it is cold. Thank you for bringing her.” He wheeled his chair back, ready to close the door.

“Right then, I’ll see you around.”




Monday 9 May 2016

The Call of Home series – a little introduction, cover reveal and giveaway

The Call of Home series is set on the north east coast of Scotland, one of my favourite place. I’ve stayed there on holiday many times. The series begins with Choosing Home, out on general release 12th July – there will be a book blast. It is up for preorder 31st May from Pride Publishing. The MCs in this story are Zac McKenzie, a former international football player, who retired early to keep his sexuality a secret, not to mention his affair with another, even more famous player, and Seth Pritchard, a man seeking a hideaway from his past.

Six years after retiring, Zac owns a successful hotel. Seth, on the run from, his past rents a cottage in the grounds. Seth needs time and space to put himself together again, both physically and mentally. Having been seriously injured in a car crash that paralysed his girlfriend, and unable to stand living in the same city as his abusive and bullying step family, he decides to run rather than face his demons. However, meeting Zac changes everything. Zac is determined to find out the quiet Welshman’s secrets, and in doing so decides that perhaps it is time to air his own. The story also includes an interfering daughter, a grumpy brother, an older couple who seem to have everything worked out, and a ginger cat called Ron.

Now, on to the cover reveal for Returning Home.

In this story, we meet two new MCs who get a little mention in the first book. Other characters from Choosing Home do appear again. On the cover is Brice Drummond. I have to admit punching the air when I found this model. Brice has been living in a small village, a couple of miles away from the coast, for the last two years. He makes beautiful things – pottery, tiles, paintings, but remains mysterious. His only interaction is with the cafĂ© owner down the road and the locals who buy his pottery until, one winter night his huge Norwegian Forest cat, brings home a tall, dark, handsome man. Darach McNaughton has returned to his home after twelve years working for the Glasgow police force. When he first meets Brice with his blond hair, shaved at the sides and tattoos, he wonders why the man is living in the arse end of nowhere, and even more how he ended up in a wheelchair. Curiosity peaked, he determines to find out what his can. Those investigations bring the two men together, but as Darach slowly unravels Brice’s past, he puts them all in danger. Can these two very different men find happiness, or will Brice’s shocking past come back to claim him? This story also contains a demonstration of pottery skills, a family glad to have the prodigal return, and a best friend owed an apology – oh, and of course, a spectacular cat called Princess.  

Both stories have plenty of angst and backstories which some readers may find distressing. I can, however, guarantee hard won, happy endings for all the main characters.

The third in the series will be Staying Home, but for now, the MCs will remain undisclosed – spoilers!


Both covers are by the wonderful Emmy Ellis. To celebrate this cover reveal, I’m going to offer a signed copy of either Sporting Chance or Comfort Zone for now and a signed copy of Choosing Home when it is published. Please comment on the blog post to enter.




Saturday 7 May 2016

Rainbow Snippet 7th/8th May


Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook Group that invites authors to post six sentences of their work each weekend. It can be from anything you like, your current WIP, a recent release, the golden oldie that even you had forgotten you had written, or just a scrap of an idea (as long as it has six coherent sentences). Nothing of your own work worth mentioning? How about a six sentence review of your favourite LGBTQ+ story.

 This week’s snippet comes from A Bell Rings again. You can now get it on early download from Pride Publishing or pre-order from Amazon and it is out on general release from this Tuesday, 10th May. More buying links below. This is the sequel to Not Every Time. Jack wakes up and has no memory of his partner Raziel, but when he finds a new person to share his flat, there is something familiar and unsettling about the man. And, I don’t know about anyone else but having cats in the bathroom is a familiar experience for me.


Familiar meowing penetrated the sound of water. Jack pulled back the curtain to find Fred and George sat waiting for him to finish.

“For goodness sake, you two. Can’t I have any privacy?” He drew back the curtain, washed himself, pushing down his half-hard cock. A few minutes later, he stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, wrapped it around himself then padded to his bedroom. He needed to eat, to watch something, to take his mind off those blue eyes.


Story Blurb

Raziel Slade and Jack Hastings have been best friends since Raz saved Jack’s life twelve years ago. Only Jack doesn’t remember Raz at all, and he certainly doesn’t remember falling in love with him. Jack has explicit dreams begin of a blue-eyed male stranger. Needing a new flatmate after his best friend moves out, Jack is introduced to Raziel Slade who has extraordinary blue eyes, and Jack has no idea how to cope with his attraction to the man.

Raziel Slade has a secret—he used to be an angel. He fell in love with Jack Hastings many years ago, and happily became human, but the angels aren’t prepared to let him go. All Raz wants to do is return to his lover any way he can, but there are rules.

When a film brings back Jack’s memories, the question is will he feel the same, especially when he finds out what Raz gave up for him? And are the angels finally ready to let Raziel, the Keeper of Secrets, go? 

Buying Links
