Monday 21 August 2017

Round Up 21st August

Morning everyone from a cool Lancashire. The weather here has been unsettled to say the least. I’m sorry I haven’t had an update for a while. The truth is I haven’t felt like writing much. Lack of writing and pain have left me feeling a bit fed up, not to mention all the nastiness happening in the world. Still, matters are moving forward in some areas of life.

As I said above, writing has been slow. I’ve added about 8000 words to my May/Dec WIP which now stands at nearly 20K. I have ideas, but find my concentration won’t last more than 1500 words at a time. Instead, I’ve been editing. I have a 100K story which I’m splitting into two. The first half is with my betas, but I’m always looking for anyone else who fancies a read. I’m editing the second half now, and jotting down ideas for the final part. This will be a trilogy with the same two MCs set in Norfolk. Jonah is a larger than life character who produces beautiful bespoke furniture, loves amateur dramatics, and has found a new family after his own threw him out as a teenager. Owen, too didn’t have the best of starts in life, but having been adopted as a toddler, grew up happy and loved. Now a librarian who fosters kittens, like Jonah, he’s not exactly looking for love, but isn’t averse to a little exploration with the man who literally turns up on his doorstep. I plan to continue the editing with more writing when I can.
In other writing news, the anthology containing my short story – The Matchmaker – is up for preorder with Pride Publishing tomorrow. Right Here, Right Now is a collection of six contemporary stories. You can find out more from the link here.

I haven’t managed much reading, but the TBR list has grown. Last book finished was The Bones of Our Fathers by Elin Gregory, who is fast becoming an auto buy for me, as I love her style. Continuing my archaeologist phase, I’m now reading Spectred Isle by KJ Charles. As usual, I am in awe of any author who can create worlds and different realities. After this, I’m not sure whether to read Illegal Contact by Santino Hassell, or something completely different. I downloaded If I was a Girl by Meredith Russo because I have a side character in my long story who is twelve-year-old and announced he wants to be a girl. I’ve read a few stories by FTM authors, but not MTF.
On the watching front, we’ve finished all the available Supernatural until S12 comes out on DVD next month. We’ve also watched all five series of Orphan Black which ended well for me, and is highly recommended. We also rewatched all the Harry Potter films before playing my birthday present – Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit. My next watching choice will be the Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. I loved the books. I’m such a fan of Douglas Adams.
Well, that’s it for now. I hope life is treating you well. Enjoy the eclipse if you are in America, and with any luck the future will be brighter for everyone soon.