Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Update 26th June

First, the usual apology that there have been few updates recently. I haven’t been in the best state of mind for various reasons, and not much writing has been done in a while.

Real life has been demanding. We moved house on 14th June. My knee chose that day to really seize up. Luckily, I managed to get over the threshold and into the new place. Moving was stressful. The removal firm had packed everything the day before and placed lots of boxes on their van overnight. It took three van trips to get everything here. Luckily, we had some help on the day but at six thirty that night we were left with the basics of something to sit on and sleep on and all out belongings in over 100 boxes. The next day we stared at fifteen of them placed against one wall of the living room in despair while eating left over pizza for breakfast.
Of course, having arthritis, I am next to useless at moving things, but we began opening boxes. We cleared the wall in the living room that first day and most of the stuff in the kitchen, except we couldn’t find the cutlery. Our next door neighbour came to the rescue. The cutlery, of course, was in the last of twelve boxes in the kitchen.

Over one week later, we have two functioning bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and the dining room is nearly done. The other upstairs bedroom is still full of boxes of books. Change is hard for me, but at least I can see outside now and watch the world go by. The cat is getting used to being here too and loves spending the day on the top of the stairs soaking up the sun.

As well as moving into the new place, I still have to sell my old place which means clearing it and cleaning it. Thankfully there are lovely people who do both of those things for a fee.

With all this going on, writing has been non-existent. I’ve reached an impasse with the Cormac and Lachie story. I sort of know where I’m going next but can’t get the words down. I have started to look at turning what was going to be a trilogy into a pair of books. The first one will be 80K and I have 30K of the next one. Half Full part one is ready to go but I want part two written before I submit and there is still a lot to say in this story. I figured I had to start somewhere. I’ve also decided I need a better seat so am planning to get measure up for one of those armchairs that lifts legs and lifts you up and out to lessen the pressure on my knees if I can.
I do have two stories on sale still. Choosing Home is still available at 99p or free on KU and My Highland Cowboy is one sale at 99p for this month. Next month, Sporting Chance will be on sale. I’m hoping to get a few more people to read my books. The next one, Two for the Road, won’t be out until near Christmas, but it is all edited and ready to go in case an earlier slot becomes available.
On the reading front, I’ve managed to read a few good books recently. I’ve enjoyed Crocus by Amy Lane, The Alcove by Rosalind Abel. Lock Nut by J L Merrow, and especially enjoyed Break Through by C F White and Denim by K C Wells. Current reads are Rainbow Place by Jay Northcote and The Henchman of Zenda by K J Charles. All recommended.
We haven’t watched much in the way of box sets. We did catch up with Homeland and once again I wondered why anyone would employ Carrie. Also watched the wonderful finale of Sense8. So sad not to get to see those characters again. We’ve mostly been watching football. Some how I end up having most games on. The face grabbing and rolling around has been Oscar worthy. I had hoped VAR would stop them, but it seems to be worse and there have certainly been more penalties.
That’s it for now. I hope those of you in Britain are enjoying the sun. Me, I hate the heat, so it’s not for me. I’ll just look out and sit here with the fan on full.

Saturday, 2 June 2018


I love this story and now you can get it for 99p on Amazon UK or same value on other Amazon sites. The idea came from an episode of Countryfile, a UK TV show. It's had some great reviews I wanted to share. These are a few of them.


Review by S.E.X Review
Drew and Duncan lit the scenery and pages with Ms. Milne's eloquent writing and creative
story telling.Together the men radiated beauty and affection. The secondary characters
added depth to the story and I hope to see many more books transpire from this one... My
Highland Cowboy was a lovely read and should not be missed.

Review by Books Laid Bare Boys
Who doesn't love a cowboy... this definitely hit the spot. This is the sort of book that I
couldn't put down and honestly some of the moments these two shared were amazingly hot!!!

Review by Boy Meets Boy Reviews
My Highland Cowboy had so many of my love buttons in it, I don’t even know where to start.
I love opposites who attract, but also complement, cowboys, snark, Scotsman, Brits, kilts and
a well-earned HEA. Drew, Duncan and I got it all in the Highlands... It wasn’t an easy road to
an HEA for these guys, but it wasn’t overly angsty either. Thankfully! The journey and the bit
of back and forth made the HEA more believable and while it did evolve pretty quickly once
the time came, the compromises were legit for their lifestyles and I was all kinds of happy for

Review by Padmes Library
Cowboys, the Scottish Highlands, opposites attract, comedy, romance, heat, family.  What's
not to love?  My Highland Cowboy has it all and even though it is packed full of a little bit
of  everything it doesn't lose its heart. Will their chemistry be enough to overcome the
location logistics? Well, for that answer you will have to give My Highland Cowboy a read
for yourself but I can safely and honestly tell you that you will not regret it. Having a story
that can both break your heart and warm it on the same page is not easy and shows real talent
by the author, as is  having just the right amount of angst mixed into a lighthearted read.

Review by Making it Happen Book Blog
My Highland Cowboy is one of those stories that’s just right, with the perfect balance of…
well,just about everything.  Wonderful setting, characters I adored and in whom I became
invested, just the right amount of angst, and some hot and sexy intimate scenes thrown in
for good measure. This is definite re-read material, and though this is the first book I’ve read
by this author, I’m now adding a whole bunch more of her books to my list! It is very well
written with a good hook to keep your attention, and the chemistry between Duncan and
Drew is quite obvious and definitely sizzling...feeling their love as well as their aching from
being apart was what kept me riveted to the pages.

  Review by Heather York
My Highland Cowboy is packed full of a little bit of everything yet it doesn't lose its
heart. The whole idea of a City Slickers style ranch in Scotland is an interesting setting
to bring main characters Duncan and Drew together for a family and friends wedding.
The old adage sometimes you have to give to get,well that is what Duncan and Drew
are facing if they want to be together and watching them deny what they feel is more
than a fling is a bit heartbreaking but seeing their family and friends rally around them,
or at least try to, is heartwarming. Having a story that can both break your heart and
warm it on the samepage is not easy and shows real talent by the author.

Review by Wicked Reads
This is a very enjoyable read...Ms. Milne has created a story which hangs together really
well...Overall a good read, with some lovely scenes and fabulous side characters – thank
you, Ms. Milne.

Review by Joyfully Jay
The plot itself is wonderful in its simplicity... just two guys who are attracted to each other,
trying to navigate their worlds when they are so very different from one another. Add in
kilts, lacy men’s underwear, and some Highland cows, and you have a nice story. And if
there is a sequel in the making with two secondary MCs, then I’ll definitely read it.

Review by MM Good Book Reviews
This is a great story that I found intriguing, the idea of a Scottish cowboy was just fascinating
and having a fashion designer as his love interest was delicious... The story is perfectly
written with it being a sweet romance with just an added dash of angst, the relationship is fast
paced but it felt natural. Duncan and Drew just fit perfectly together making it seem natural
for them to fall for each other so quickly. I enjoyed this story and thought that it was a great
read; it’s perfect for a lazy afternoon in the sun where we get a huge dose of romance shot
through with hot sex.  

Review by Divine Magazine
My Highland Cowboy is an interesting twist on the usually-American-set ranch story... The
chemistry is strong, and their intimacy was very hot! The dialogue is engaging, the humor is
strong, and the story pulls you deeply into their world. A solid, fun read... recommending it
for anyone on the lookout for depth and humor with love woven throughout.  I’m fast
becoming a fan of Alexa Milne, and this is just another shining example of why!

Review by Diverse Reader
I love a story of opposites finding each other. I immediately loved both these characters.
The writing was beautiful along with the world she created for us in the Highlands of
Scotland; from the warm days of summer to the snowy days of winter... I loved the story,
the characters,and their families and I’m hoping to read a story about Lachie and
Cormac, please!!

Review by Bayou Book Junkie
I loved Duncan and I really wanted him to get his HEA... there was no denying the sparks
that flew when Duncan and Drew were together. The story was very enjoyable, fun, hot,
with just enough angst to keep things interesting and very well-written. Very

Review by The Geekery Book Review.
My Highland Cowboy is one of those reads that has a bit of everything, opposites attract,
cowboys, out and proud and I loved it! There is also a great blend of romance, humor and
just the right amount of angst too. I totally fell for Declan and Drew and their touching story!
This book made me laugh, made me swoon and yes there were a few tears, it really had it all.
I loved both of these men... they fall in love and find a way to make it work! I definitely am
looking forward to reading more from Alexa Milne!

Review by Key Smash Blog
The setting of this book is so vivid I could practically smell the hay. Duncan’s ranch is a
lovely backdrop for a sweet but fraught love story. I got attached to Duncan immediately;
as he came out of his shell more and more..., my emotional investment grew. There’s just
enough angst and pining to offset the sort of idyllic ranch moments, so it doesn’t ever veer
into too-fluffy territory. It’s the perfect mix of quiet and sweet and sad, with a lot of hotness
thrown in.

Review by Rainbow Book Reviews
If you like opposites attract stories, if a cowboy in the highlands and an up-and-coming
fashion designer from London sound like an interesting couple, and if you’re looking for a
read that is entertaining to the point of being very funny, has an interesting Highland
setting, and contains some very hot, passionate moments between two men falling in love,
then you will probably like this novel.

Review by Love Bytes
What makes this story interesting is the characters. Both Duncan and Drew certainly, but
the side characters as well. The sex scenes were well done, and I totally felt the bond that
forms between the men... It was a good way to spend my reading time this weekend, sexy
men are always a good thing!

Review by V's Reads
This is a sweet and sassy romance... These guys have so much love to give. There are really
nice side characters here [too], who are supportive and loving of both Duncan and Drew.