Monday 22 May 2017

Weekly Round Up 22 May

It’s just about still Monday morning. The sun is attempting to shine, and apparently, by the end of the week, the temperature will reach the low 20s C – around 70+ F. I am not a lover of being too warm, and my fan is already on at night. It’s hard when the weather is warm because we can’t have the window open to prevent the escape of the elder cat. She is very deaf and got lost the only time she went out here. Mind you, when she yowls like a screaming banshee in the early hours of the morning, I do slightly fantasise about her going out. At the moment, she is positioned at the kitchen door waiting for it to be ham time – but I digress.

WIP continues and yesterday reached 95K words. The final big moment is yet to arrive, but it is getting closer. I have completed another blog post which I think is out tomorrow. This one is about my love for Scotland. My Highland Cowboy has had some wonderful reviews so far, so I’m going to shamelessly add some snippets to this post over on my blog. I thank the bloggers who’ve helped launch both While You See a Chance and My Highland Cowboy. I hope more readers will give my older MC story a try as it’s a story that means so much to me. Once again, I will say I need to get Half Full finished as I’ve a Christmas story to write – arrgghh and another WIP at 20K. Sometimes, the arthritis makes writing for too long rather painful, so I’m trying to do short bursts.

On the watching and reading front, I’ve finished and enjoyed A Bridge over the River Wye by Adam Fitzroy. I won the book in a competition from Manifold Press, and can I say I’m sorry to hear they are winding down. I’m still hoping to work with them on another book though. When Fiona agreed to publish While You See a Chance, it was a wonderful moment for me. I’ve also read Lace by K. C. Wells. Anyone who knows me, is aware of my penchant for men in interesting underwear shall we say. In fact, Drew in My Highland Cowboy designs and wears lace underwear much to Duncan’s surprise when he accidentally walks in on him – well, you’ll have to read the book, but they are bright blue! Another quickie read was Seasons Pass, 3.5 in the Enlightenment series by Joanna Chambers – wonderful books. Now I’m reading Sue Brown’s Good Night My Angel.

This weekend has mostly been spent watching the vids and reading the tweets from JIB8. For those of you not aware of the Supernatural Convention which takes place every year in Rome, this is known to those of us Destiel shippers as Cockles Christmas. It is the only con when Jensen and Misha have a panel together. This year we were treated to a somewhat tired and emotional Jensen revealing his underwear to Misha. Thanks to the person for the image named at the bottom. I hope she won't mind me sharing here.

I’ve just watched the whole panel on YT. I may rant about the show, but I still love these actors. We’ve begun another box set. This time it’s S2 of Fargo which is set before S1. I watched the first episode of American Gods which I found a little bemusing. Julie Bozza mentioned it’s also the 30th anniversary of Maurice. I love that film and have seen it so many times. If you haven’t, it is well worth it.

I think that’s it for this week. I’m on Elin Gregory’s blog today answering her penetrating questions, and talking about Scotland on another blog tomorrow. I will find out which.

But I will leave you with a few pictures not used in the article of this wonderful place.

Have a good week everyone.

 Reviews of While You See a Chance
These men are older, almost retired, but the love they have for each other has spanned their lifetimes and you can feel it coming off of every page. Books Laid Bare Boys
Aww, how could I not like a story two much older men who were best friends only to go their separate ways. This was my first ever Alexa Milne read and I was impressed with her writing and how everything played out and wove together. Dog Eared Daydreams
Reviews of My Highland Cowboy
I haven't read a book for ages about a rugged man in a cowboy hat and some tight fitting jeans and this definitively hits the spot. this is the sort of book that I couldn't put down and honestly, some of the moments these two share were amazingly hot. Books Laid Bare Boys
My Highland Cowboy is one of those stories that's just right with the perfect balance of...well, just about everything. Wonderful setting, characters I adored and in whom I became invested, just the right amount of angst, and some hot and sexy interludes thrown in for good measure. Make it Happen Book Blog
This is a sweet and sassy romance. Drew brings the sass as well as the sweetness. Duncan's a great guy and has a lot of love to offer. I liked hoe they worked things through. V's Reads
The setting of this book is so vivid, I could practically smell the hay. Duncan's ranch is a lovely backdrop for a sweet but fraught love story. There's just enough angst and pining to offset the sort of idyllic ranch moments. It's the perfect mix of quiet and sweet and sad with lots of hotness thrown in. Keysmash Blog

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